Friday, May 28, 2010

Running Yoga

For the fourth year, my colleagues and I ran the JP Morgan Chase Corporate Challenge here in Chicago. It’s a crazy race, with 20,000 participants making their way through Grant Park to cross the finish line and get to the party tents. We always have a blast and are generally one of the last groups to leave the park.

I am not a runner. I’m not fast and I don’t particularly enjoy running. But I like what running does for my body, so I run. I have to listen to music while I run; it’s what makes running bearable. Getting ready for the race, I discovered that I didn’t have my iPod. No tunes! What would I do?! My husband lent me he iPod Shuffle, but as I made my way to the starting line, I realized the battery was dead. Hit with the same no-tunes stick twice. Ouch.

I was late getting to the starting line, so I was stuck at the very back, behind all the walkers. No tunes, and stuck in the back: I’d never make it to the tent and the cold beer. At that moment, I realized I had a choice. I could stay stuck in the idea of how terrible this race was going to be, or I could dwell in each present moment. Breathing in, I calm my body. Breathing out, I smile.

Since I was made aware that I had this choice, I chose the pass less grumpy and breathed in and out for 3.5 miles. I breathed and smiled as I waited seven minutes to cross the start line. I breathed and smiled as I weaved my way through the mobs of walkers. In this running meditation, I just kept coming back to my breath. For the first time in four years, I didn’t stop to walk any portion of the race, even though I hadn’t trained. I realized the race wasn’t just about body; it was body and mind and breath. It was yoga. So I practiced and I ran.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

When the student is ready, the teacher appears

I love my Forrest yoga class. It’s not that I know much about Ana Forrest or that I dig keeping my neck relaxed or my toes lifted or that I really enjoy all that lower ab work. It’s the teacher and my classmates. Rich gets us all to give our best for 90 minutes and to try new (sometimes scary) things. And my classmates and I take the risks. We do handstands and headstands—or at least try. It’s a wonderful, challenging, and nurturing environment.

This weekend I participated in a workshop led by Gabriel Halpern, a devoted student of Iyengar. As Gabriel told me more than once to lift my head and rattled off asana names in Sanskrit, I realized that I needed to find a class to complement Rich’s class (Forrest uses English names for asanas, so I've forgotten the Sanskrit names for many poses).

The day after I documented this observation in my journal, Rich dropped a bombshell. He was moving to Vermont to become Dean of Faculty at a small college, a dream job for him and near family. The class was of course supportive and congratulatory of Rich’s accomplishment and decision. And while I did feel bad about the loss of this particular teacher and class, I was surprised at my overall reaction: this is happening for a reason. As the Buddhist proverb says, “When the student is ready, the teacher appears.”

I’m going to enjoy the hell out of Rich’s classes until he leaves. And I know I’ll miss the Tuesday nights that I’ve become so fond of. But I’m also filled with anticipation about what a new teacher will bring. Who will it be? What will the class be like? I’m not sure of anything except that this is happening for a reason and this will be another significant turning point in my yoga journey.

The student, she is ready!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

The Cleanse Menu

Last post on the cleanse...I've been to Austin and Key West and back and probably could use another detox (particularly after Key West), but I did want to capture the menu.

Steel cut oats and grapefruit
Tofu with mushrooms, scallions, and hot bean sauce; broccoli rabe and olive oil
Quinoa pasta with tomato sauce and VEGGIE?

Oatmeal and grapefruit
Leek and potato soup

Buckwheat with blueberries and strawberries
Roasted vegetables, mixed greens salad with vinaigrette, rice
Vegetarian chili

Oatmeal with blueberries
Quinoa pasta with mushroom ‘crème’ sauce; asparagus, zucchini

Oatmeal with blueberries and pineapple
Vegetable curry
Leek and potato soup; mixed spring greens with cucumber and avocado, olive oil, balsamic  vinegar

Oatmeal with blueberries, strawberries, pineapple
Roasted vegetable sandwich (yes, with wheat)
Grilled asparagus and portobello mushrooms, red peppers, zucchini; rice; salad

Oatmeal with blueberries
Thai basil eggplant and rice
Breaking the cleanse: veggies, fruits, hummus, bread…and wine!